IFS Therapy

Part of me wants to change…

How can IFS therapy help me?

As you may have seen in the video, the key to healing means “slowing down the conversation.” Some people’s minds are moving a mile a minute so that might feel difficult at first for some people, but I don’t take you any faster than what you are ready for.

As you begin to see how the therapy works and the interesting way the mind functions, you’ll find that you are able to slow things down and that’s where real and permanent healing can be found.

I combine both IFS and EMDR to help my clients get to a place of healing at their pace. EMDR processes out the fears and insecurities from our past in a permanent way and IFS is like the key to the front door of the heart.

“Learning to view my thoughts and feelings and actions within the framework of IFS therapy has helped me have more patience, understanding, and grace with myself and be less critical of the various parts of myself.” – anonymous client

IFS Meditations

The following videos are IFS meditations for clients who have already begun their IFS counseling sessions

Meditation w/music

Meditation without music

The Path with music

The Path without music

Courage with music

Courage without music

Embodiment with music

Embodiment without music

Fire Drill with music

Fire Drill without music

Heart with music

Heart without music

One Part with music

One Part without music

Call me today at (616) 460-4824 and start on the path toward a better internal relationship with yourself.